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smart vacuum cleaner

  Smart vacuum cleaners, also known as robotic vacuum cleaners, are automated devices designed to clean floors without requiring manual intervention. They use various sensors, algorithms, and navigation techniques to move around a space, detect obstacles, and efficiently clean different types of flooring. Here are some features commonly found in smart vacuum cleaners: Navigation Systems : Smart vacuums use sensors like infrared, laser, or cameras to map the layout of a room and navigate around obstacles. Mapping and Path Planning : Many models create a map of the cleaning area to optimize cleaning routes and avoid missing spots. Scheduled Cleaning : Users can schedule cleaning sessions at specific times, allowing the vacuum to operate autonomously even when no one is home. App Control : Most smart vacuum cleaners can be controlled via a smartphone app, allowing users to start, stop, or schedule cleanings remotely. Voice Control : Some models integrate with virtual assistants like Amazo

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Smart vacuum cleaner